Honey and Clover: Episode 8
- Nomiya's not picking up his phone D: Mayama is worried. Nomiya and Yamada are at a hotel. Nomiya tries to help her figure out her feelings in regards to Mayama.
- Hanamoto-sensei discovered the Italian documents.
- Mayama stays up all night at the office worrying, waiting for any response from Nomiya or Yamada.
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I admit I'm pretty biased too, since I'm a Kanjani 8 and Toma fan, but the wars some of these fans get into seems too much.
NEWS' 'member ai' ::rolls eyes:: Kanjani8 and K8 fans doesn't need to harp on about it because for them it's totally natural, how they show affection for [and grope XD] one another. Ryo ad Yamapi themselves mentioned how the others don't go out to eat with them when they invite them out.
HAHA then again, ALL of Johnny's are prepackaged XD But some seem to kick it off better than others. I've even heard some NewS fans who get into Eito later that it's shocking to them how much happier Ryo seems when he's with Eito. But you know, as being primarily an Eito fan, I haven't seen any NewS interviews to compare and judge for myself.
It also makes me sad how NewS fans are hating on Yoko right now. Although we do have KAT-TUN fans on our side because of the Akakame thing XDXD
Oh yeah, the recomen thing. ::rolls eyes:: It was friendly jibes and I doubt that Massu cried himself to sleep that night or contemplated suicide. Koyama and Shige would've probably given a warning about what to expect the time they got devoured. <3 Yoko ships Akakame. XD It was just hilarious to hear him talk about the atmosphere. Like 'Uwa! I've seen it for myself!' XD
That was my thing too--that some people paint Massu out to be the victim, but to my understanding, Massu is pretty funny himself, so I'm sure he understood it was a joke. But yeah who knows, huh? Haha yeah Yoko's such a fanboy XD It's funny to consider some of these guys are like almost half a decade younger than him ;)
Yoko is Peter Pan, he does not age!! XD It's really striking to think that he'll soon be 30, he's just got that youthful energy. And I just LOVE his high pitched giggles. <33333 ::descends into fangirling::
He definitely is <3 His high pitched giggles are adorable. And also when someone makes fun of him or picks on him since he's usually the one teasing others XD It's cute too how he can be shy when he's not around Eito or other people he's comfortable with :D
I love how conscious he is about his weight all the time. It's so adorable <3 I can relate to him being shy around strangers, but looking at how loud and gregarious he can be at concerts and on shows, that's so hard y believe. Like on recomen he was patting himself on the back for attempting conversation with Kashi Yuu <3.
It's funny how weight conscious they are considering NONE of them are overweight. I mean--OF COURSE Yoko, Maru, and Ohkura would weigh more--THEY'RE THE TALLEST! They'd probably be on the low-average weight side over here in the US :D I'd actually be more afraid of the underweight ones ;)
Yeah and when he said back during Haikei Chichiuesama, he clung to Nino and didn't really talk to anyone else XD So cute <3
I think part of being obsessed with weight also comes from them being idols. But it was funny to read that at one photo shoot where they he was shirtless tacchon held his breath the entire time to suck his stomach in. XD But it's somewhat refreshing to see them fret over the same things we normal humans fret over too ;D
But Subaru's like 48kg. That's just.....wow....
Hee hee. It's funny because I can actually visualise him physically clinging to Nino, like some sort of koala bear XDD
Well when you look at like Tokio, most of them are pretty healthy looking. They shouldn't feel down on themselves because of that. And I know since it's Japan everyone's incredibly tiny.
Yeah apparently that's what he did XD But I guess in YC he felt like he was their senpai so took more efforts to be more outgoing and stuff ;)
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