Sore ]
[music| Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year) ]
Playing more quizzes, after reading
juin_kadsuki post. xD
Stealing a few quizzes from her. Adding few mores too.
You Are a Scholar
You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.
Your sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation.
Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.
You're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively.
Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics
Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness
Your power color: Navy blue
Your power symbol: Shield
Your power month: April
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?[Top part: o___o I am? Bottom part: Yeap.]
You Are Humor
You love to laugh at life, and if possible, get others to laugh along with you.
You believe there's always a humorous side to everything. And your sense of humor ranges from upbeat to very dark.
You are outrageous and very honest. You're often the only one willing to say what everyone else is thinking.
You are witty and verbally talented. You like to play with words and say things in interesting ways.
What Kind of Book Are You?[I believe this is so so wrong.... o____o]
Your Soul Is Connected to the Winter
You approach life with a zen-like calm that other people envy. Nothing rattles you.
You are smart, thoughtful, and very serious. You don't stress out, but you don't take much lightly.
You like to keep to yourself, and you've been called shy - even if you don't consider yourself that way.
You prefer a cozy, quiet life filled with ideas, books, and maybe a few friends.
What Season is Your Soul Connected To?[I'm same as Juin~ *hi5* xD.
But nothing rattles me? Don't stress out? urrg... that's not true D:]
Your Birthday is Purple
You are the independent type. It's hard for people to peg, label, or stereotype you.
You enjoy people and things from all walks of life. You're incredibly open minded.
You tend to be a bit fickle and even moody. You can end up hating what you love and vice versa.
Your preferences and actions can be a bit mysterious at times. It's hard to predict what you'll do.
What Color Is Your Birthday?[Same again. *O* And no doubt about it.
So that's why I'm purple...
"end up hating what you love and vice versa." Haha.]
Your Taste in Music Says You're Cheerful
Your musical tastes are upbeat and conventional.
You are an easy going, optimistic person.
Family and friends are very important to you.
You enjoy caring for and helping other people.
You thrive in a tranquil environment, and you do your best to keep things peaceful.
You enjoy your life. You have your priorities straight.
What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?[Enjoy life? duh... I'm just a mere pawn, in someone's chess.]
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)
Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.
Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality?[Next time I could intro myself.. "Hi, I'm an ISFP"]
You Are Emotional
You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
The World's Shortest Personality Test[In short, the emo gal? -___-;;; geh.]