Myuu no Anyo, Papa ni Ageru Special - TORRENT

Sep 29, 2008 22:17

Hey everyone.
Finally. Finally we're done with 'Myuu no anyo, papa ni ageru'. It took us a little longer as we re-checked the things over and over. There are 3 people with pharmaceutical & medical background on it. That's why we tried our best to be most accurate as possible so that's why you might find some strange notes *ROFL*.

Thank you for your patience and support. o'.'o
-edit- We just noted that the accent aigu on the 'e' in 'Guillain-Barré' doesn't show up properly at all. We apologise profusely for this mistake!

Myuu no anyo, Papa ni Ageru Special (Myuu will give Papa her leg)

We've used the HDTV version of the AVI file, which we compressed down to 700MB.

Updates: Cat Street
Episode 4 - Editing, Timing almost complete
Episode 5 - Translating

myuu no anyo

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