What's going on?

May 10, 2010 01:13

Soooo... I haven't updated anything in a very long time...
Lost my muse? Certainly not.
I've just been working on so many different stories that I can't seem to stick to one ^^;;

Eternity only has like 3 chapters left but for some reason, I can't sit down and write it. I promise promise promise that it will be done by the end of May.

Camping Trip... I actually already have a few chapters done... why haven't I posted them? I didn't want to put up an update without any guarantee of more chapters coming soon so I thought I would just write a bit more before I consider posting. Updates will be coming at the end of May as well for sure.

Other stories will continue to be postponed until I get more chapters written and get the feel back for them because I've forgotten a lot of them and what was going on ^^;;

I've been working on 5 other new stories, all of which are at 20,000 words... if only i could've finished my already going fics >_>

There is one fic that I want to post though because I know for a fact that I want to write this one immediately. It's a bandverse fic going back to training days and will go up to these court days. It's the usual Yunjae, Yoosu :)

I really wanted to write a fic that had to do with all these sm vs dbsk things so I put everything to a halt. I'm going to start posting it tomorrow and there will be an update every single day until I'm done. (unless of course i don't have my laptop)

Nothing is going to be dropped, they're just on a short hiatus. I'm glad you guys have been very patient :) Thanks a lot!~
I need to listen to Intoxication again ;)
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