(no subject)

Apr 04, 2009 23:15

I have a new computer, after several years of needing one. Intel core2Duo E7200, dual nVidia 9500 GT in SLI on an Asus P5N-SLI mobo, 4 gigs of ram (yes I've got PAE set to on, no need to waste ram), and dual 250gig HDDs, pulled the cd-rw and dvd-rw, as well as my audigy2 ZS, from my old system and got a cheap, but quality new mouse, as my previous mouse was being a bitch about connecting to my KVM with the usb-to-ps/2 converter. miraculously I've avoided installing vista. being able to set every game I own to 1600x1200 and max quality on every setting except physix card support is very nice. I may save a bt up and see if i can find a cheap pci-x card for that later on, not that it's even remotely necessary for what I'm playing now.
just before that we got our 360, which has been good.. I'm a little dissapointed with needing to do 2 live subscriptions if Tara and I want to play online, but for now we'll just skip them entirely.
no real changes at work or elsewhere, so I'll just cut myself off here and go finish the dishes then play some blue dragon or CoX.
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