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Apr 06, 2008 02:55

haven't posted in a while.. been busy with city of heroes, being at Tara's for the last 2 months and generally not having anything i particularly felt like talking about.

One character in CoH near the level cap, so I'll unlock 2 new hero types to try out once i get my subscription back up (taking a short break to deal with life issues outlined below), and the next issue is going into closed beta soon, with a hell of a lot of new free content to toy with

have smash bros brawl, fun stuff, Pit is an excellent new addition.. can't really say i care for snake or sonic. it's at Tara's (while I am currently home to repair my truck and you can't move the game save/character unlock data to a SD card.. wtf Nintendo?) so once I head back down there, I may get around to posting my brawl code and see if any of you want to do some online playing (random online brawling has random OMFGLAG depending on the connections of those playing, so it has a very hit or miss fun aspect for me)

truck repair is consisting of replacing my brake lines.. and it is sucking major ass. might need to have the metal lines made to do it.. don't know how bad that's going to be, but i'm hopeful i can keep it under $150 for everything.

going to be taking the postal exam in Evansville, IN on the 14th.. of course the test materials and exam appointment date came the day after i left Tara's (which is where it was mailed to x.x) it could all go to shit if the truck work goes badly tho.. which will of course leave me unbelievably irritated.

hoping to buy a new PC in the near future.. it'll all depend on what the truck repairs will cost me, and how much i'm willing to sacrifice in the name of "i can upgrade that part later when i'm working again." a dual core processor and a PCI-express capable mobo are the minimum, no ifs ands or buts there, I'd like to go intel, i'm not impressed with amd right now, and ATI is notoriously bad with CoH, so Nvidia will be getting video card money (i may suck it up and settle for a low end 6xxx or 7xxx series card, since i can always upgrade that later and it'd still be a nice step up from current) and ram is cheap, 2 gigs should be easy to do. windows purchase and hard drive size are the two other factors, but i can handle a comparitively smaller drive like 160gb with no stress, and i have 3 license keys for winXP (all legit and valid too), and i can stand to kill one of the older machines with no real fuss.
a sample config from the company i plan to buy from has me with intel core 2 E2200, 2 gigs of ram, 160gb HDD, 20x DVDRW and a 256mb gforce 8400gs for a bit under $390, with no OS and that's probably gonna be no real issue, unless the truck repairs hit $250, but i really don't think it'll cost me that much since i'm doing all the work.

and lastly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw

that is just all kinds of awesome.. hopefully someone makes something of it.
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