Last week in the city!

Jul 21, 2004 14:10

So, I just got out of my last meeting with my sponsor here in NYC. It was funny, because I don't think he really had any idea what I've been doing here, so much as he's just been confident that I was doing okay and being successful. Very interesting. Funny, in a way.

Icon is one of the Cathedral peacocks. There are 5 of them. And they are bizarre. Because we're in the middle of NYC and there are these peacocks that wander all over. Crazy!

Anyway... selected things I have figured out recently:
- I need to slow down. I need to allow myself to slow down. I need to not go crazy and create busywork for myself when I am not busy.
- I am addicted to coca cola and chocolate. Need to work on that.
- Church makes me happy. Smart, open-minded, inclusive church people make me really happy.
- There are parts of Jewish tradition that I am incredibly drawn to.
- I like people a lot. Just in general.
- NYC rocks my socks.
-Except for when 600+ people try to win one of 26 tickets in the Wicked lottery.
- I am NOT going straight to grad school. At least one year off.
- Adults think that I'm smart. Isn't that crazy?
- I need different clothes. My wardrobe makes no sense!! I just have clothes I've had for... o since 8th grade, with too many random additions. There is no logic, no coordination!!!
- I am a control freak. And I need to come to terms with it.
- Don't mail things in bottles. People are liable to think it might be a bomb. Also, remember what you've ordered on eBay.
- If weddings need to be any one thing, it's organized.
- J.K. Rowlings rocks my socks. ( , baby!)

Okay. Back to work. And forming a presentation to give next week at Sewannee!
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