I simply dont care

Jan 26, 2010 17:47

I HAVE FINISHED ALL MY EXAMS!  *throw confetti*


Yet honestly in my 2hrs chem exam, I have never felt so clueless before but I tried my uttermost best (even though my brain tends to fail me a bit at times like this) and hopefully finger cross I dont need to retake it again, especially the professor said he would try to squeeze out some extra marks for those who're almost 40% (ie pass mark)

BUT OMG I CANT EXPRESS HOW HARD I THOUGHT THE PAPER IS...chem has always been a challenge for me T^T

Anyway so ya hiatus over and I think I will squeeze some time to go over all my f-list ^____^
.....and my japan travel posts coming very very soooon lol

Exam rant aside, I went to this super lovely japanese-styled noodle bar called Wagamama last Saturday, can you believe that I've been waiting forever to go on one ever since I found out that wagamama is the first word in KT's Keep the Faith?! XDD

The wait is awful for a second I even felt I gonna faint from hunger :P but the fooood is freaking worth it ♥
I was debating whether to have some fried udon or rice but I surrendered to chicken katsu rice at the end haha

<< even the dish description makes me droool so much haha

The meal-out is extra fun since I was with a friend and two seniors, and we kept chatting about random stuff that when we left, there's hardly anyone left in the restaurant ^_______________^ (except that I literally dragged myself back to my room at 12 midnight :/)

Other than food, I got kimmykaos 's letter today (like FINALLY XD) and guess what she got me?! *excited*



p.s. going to watch Countdown 07-08 right now and MARUUUU'S FUN TRIP TO KOREA! (snowaltz, cant wait to spazz with you later ^^)

exams ought to be banned, merchandise, happydays, why so cute?!, life, yay for sparkles&hearts!, snapshots, big bang, shout-outs, yumyummy food, love you flist, kat-tun

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