Like a Butterfly~

Oct 23, 2009 18:38


Why does all the good things all happen at the end of week? xD
Not only I only have one 11:15am lecture today, I got to do my weekly grocery shopping for as long as I can in the afternoon and I bought Ben&Jerrys ice creams - buy one get one free!^_____^ Pfish food and Cookie Dough (if you dont know the flavours check out the ( Read more... )

fangirling, happydays, life, yay for sparkles&hearts!, g-dragon, snapshots, lost in dreamworld, marry me please?, yumyummy food, video, pv, reviews

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Comments 19

kiwi_nya October 23 2009, 18:20:10 UTC
KYAAAA!!!!! Yes!!!1 I love the MV too <3 <3 <3 GD is sooo cute!!! <3 <3 <3 haha, I like the quote XDDDDD GD is sweet and nice guy ^^ and I hope he will find a nice girl for himself (*points at herself* XDDD joking, joking ^^)

OHEMGEE!!! I want ICE CREAM!!!!!!! I just realized I don't have one at home! we've already eaten the last one 3 days ago xDDD waah! need to buy one ;D

so, that means if I'll come to you to England, you'll treat me? <3 <3 <3 muaahahahahaha! lol i wish i could tho ;D


kioko_u October 25 2009, 08:12:39 UTC
*squeals* ♥♥♥
OHHH YEAHHH~~~ I was like KYAAAAAAAA~~ when real life GD appears in the MV, looking so freakin cool on that mushroom haha
yupyup ooohh have you heard of the song "this Love" sang by GD alone? Thats in fact about GD falling in love with a girl called J and he waited for her on her bday (19 September) but the girl dumped him >< (THATS A REAL LIFE STORY BTW, GD wrote the lyrics based on that..)

So on 19 September this year he performed this song on stage and sang to this fangirl who happened to have her bday that day >< GD even gives her a present ~~

LOL yeahh i hope GD will find a perfect girl in the future~~♥

Haha we can fangirl together and eat ice-cream in London if u come~!!! hehe one day maybe~~


kiwi_nya October 25 2009, 08:24:11 UTC
oh, really? I didn't know that D: his gf dumped him D: waaaaaah! what a stupid girl T_T not appreciating such a great guy T_T awww.....yeah, I remember that show when he sang a b-day song for a girl! lol I didn't know there's such a story behind it D:

haha, I willl come some day :D when you will be in England not in HK hopefully :D


kioko_u October 27 2009, 18:15:33 UTC
I dont think she dumped him actually, it's just that she chose to be with another guy...honestly she must feel SO regretted right now afterall GD has became so well-known now^___^
But I read that GD would love to date a girl who's sweet, cute, kind and has a unique personality~~

Yupyup sure one day~~~


jindaluver October 24 2009, 02:15:27 UTC
woah!! i need to check out that MV soon!!!

and the printer looks cool!i believe it's the same as my friend's.
but hers is white, so pretty~~
ah, i need to buy one too (>.<)


kioko_u October 25 2009, 08:07:30 UTC
GO ON~the MV is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen♥
dsfdfdgfhg GD *squeals*

Really? Mine even has a touch screen panel i thought it's just so awesome (but i can only put it on the floor though >< no space~~)
I thought a printer is ESSENTIAL for uni students coz u need to print your own lecture notess and stuff haha


jindaluver October 25 2009, 13:07:09 UTC
wee..i watched the MV right at the moment after i woke up last morning.haha XD
it's beautiful~~~ *squeals with u*

haha..i got a printer too, but the ink has long dried!LOL.i want a 3 in 1 printer tho,with scanner...coz it'll be convenience if i wanna scan any Popolo, Myojo mag soon..IF!!! LOL XD


kioko_u October 27 2009, 18:18:43 UTC
Really?! oh awesome!
I watch that MV at least once a day now haha
I really loveee the whole story of GD falling in love with a original girl and the idea of butterfly = GD♥

LOL! that definitely gives me an idea xDD i should fully make use of my printer


sj13forever October 24 2009, 02:33:04 UTC
OMG,the ice cream!!! :O :O >_<
Yes,it is damn expensive :P
Paypal??You have one?
I asked my parents but...*pfft*
Nvm :/
So happy for you! ^^
My friends <3 Pet Society but unfortunately,I don't follow the trend XD
The printer is so spiffy!Nice! :D
I didn't know about Butterfly MV either but he is ♥! :)

(I still ♥ Teukie the most though haha)


kioko_u October 25 2009, 08:05:29 UTC
*nods nods*
Ben&Jerry happened to be on sale, I was telling my friend about it and she's like OMG WHERE DID U GET IT? TELL ME NOW! xDD everyone looooovvveeeess ben&Jerry ice cream♥

I didnt ask my parents :P
I just got one myself though I think the procedure is a bit complicated hehe, besides I got a debit card of my own in UK so thats why~~

Haha you should join Pet Society, it's SO MUCH FUN! *bounce*

Yay for loving GD haha♥♥♥


sj13forever October 25 2009, 10:49:44 UTC
Yup,I <3 Ben&Jerry too :)
Oh,I see...
I'm still a minor till I reach 21 so...
I heard abt Pet Society,maybe I will join later ^^
Your icon is ♥!
GD weee~


kioko_u October 27 2009, 18:21:47 UTC
Whats your fav Ben&Jerry ice cream?
One day I should try out all the flavours hehe

Ohhhhh it'll be sooner than u thought :P

I'm totally addicted lol especially now with Halloween coming up u can get your pet many halloween-related decorations or costumes hehe (i got mine some cool-looking bat wings xD)

♥ (i can fit in one GD icon only though..)


kazumiie October 24 2009, 11:37:16 UTC
GYAAAAH BEN AND JERRY'S!!!!!! OMG I LOVE FISH FOOD AND COOKIE DOUGH!!!!!!!!!! So sad China doesn't have them. The funniest thing is that there are two guys in my class called Ben and Jerry xP

nice printer btw


kioko_u October 25 2009, 08:02:05 UTC
Ben&Jerry is ♥
I think this is my first time to get myself B&J ice cream lol coz they're alwys SO expensive, it's just one of my friends are coming over so I decided to get them :P



kazumiie October 27 2009, 08:44:43 UTC
<3~~~ I went crazy when I saw Ben and Jerry in HK Times Square.
My dad called me traitor but I was like IDC I WANT COOKIE DOUGH!

mehehe yesh, they're totally hilarious xD


kioko_u October 27 2009, 18:23:07 UTC
My favourite flavour is Mint choco chips but i havent tried Ben&Jerry mint ones...


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