Oct 07, 2009 23:27

Hows fellow uni students been?

The third day and I am already been bored to death by the lectures (or buried in endless note-taking that I hardly have time to think about anything else, hating that professor who doesnt use powerpoint and write on blackboard instead!) Today there was thisecture in the Arts lecture hall for which there's a stage, I was so bored that I was daydreaming in the first 1/3 and I imagined Maru/ Ueda/ SuJu were actually performing on that stage xDD

Yay for Thursday tomorrow! (really I should learn to print the powerpoint notes ahead of lectures AND OMG 8.15AM LECTURE TOMORROW >_____<)

Anyway the point of this post?
......I finally fell for kimmykaos's future Lover --- Heechul ♥(as well as Ryeowook but he's not the main point of the entry *shot*)

I have finally finished dl-ing the entire SJ Full house for which I randomly watched a few min of each, omg Heechul is so kawaii there ^-^ Not to mention this MV -

image Click to view

The moment Heechul appears with the tarot cards, I literally died O_O
He was awesomely tempting lol, his long-black-haired look just remind me of Ueda in the Real Face stage only Heechul has longer hair hehe, you know I just cant resist this kind of guy♥♥♥ ~~~~

And he finally got his own picture folder!!! *wide grins* (while Kangin, Shindong, Kibum, Sungmin and Siwon need to share one altogether *shot*)

<< the "classical" looks

<< the "expressive" one

<< The cool one

<< the "fashionable" one

<< the happy one

<< the "pretty-girl"

Spread the SJ love~~

fangirling, why so cute?!, life, picspam, i have million of reasons to be biased, super junior, cute guys are love, school kills me, video, pv, kpop craze

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