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Sep 19, 2009 15:01

Super Junior is right here in HK!

I bet those SuJu super fans would know that they're in HK at the momement for a concert tonight (I think~), unfortunately, I only found out about this awesome news on the newspaper a few days ago :P (but i scan the HK newspaper so i can share later^^)

Last night I read on the newspaper that there're hundreds of fans welcoming SuJu in the airport early in the morning, but even I know about this earlier (first thing - I just got into SuJu- second - I wont possibly know coz I dont know any SuJu fangirls in HK) I wont be able to go to the airport coz it's fairly far for me if I just travel on train >___< Also, only 12 members are able to come to HK this time coz Kibum (poor him *hugs*) was injured, according to the newspaper~

Talking about them, some of my lj friends told me to check out this new MV of SuJu-M~~
I totally forgot that SJ-M sings in mandarin xDD at first I thought it's a bit weird that Koreans are singing chinese but I mean the song is cool! I'm so loving the beats right now, and I am so proud of myself that I can finally recognise HanKyung, Ryeowook, DongHae and KyuHyun (Coz they're my loves♥)

image Click to view

Anyway today I got to go to one of the HK universities to help out a bit, quite reluctantly I got up at 7 (which is super early considering that normally i can sleep all the way till 9am) and took the tain for 45min to get there......So, I can get money still I felt pretty tired but....but...I mean GOSH I TOTALLY NOT REGRETTED GOING AFTER I SAW A ANIME COSPLAY EVENT ♥ GOING ON THERE~~!!!! *bounce bounce*

Shame I did not have a camera with me at that time or else I would so nicely asked whether I cna take some pretty photos with them *sobs* I used to be totally addicted to anime before I got drawn into the Oh-so-glamorous-JE-fandom (and Kpop too!^^), until now I still watched a bit but I would choose those I watched more carefully. From those cosplayers I have seen there, I couldnt recognise most of them but those I could are Prince of Tennis, Bleach, Naruto, Amu (Shugo Chara), Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura), Xing Cai (Dynasty Warriors, PSP/PS game) and my favourite of all ---- Vampire Knight (Day & Night class) ♥♥♥

Personally I wont do cosplay but I just LOVE watching people do so - I am just overwhelmed by their gorgeousness (either it's their costumes/ hairstyle/ makeup or weapson hehe) and it's just like a dream come true, fantasy coming into life haha

Last of all sharing some really lovely things I bought yesterday with a friend of mine ^___________^

<< a ring I bought for myself (since I reckon I gonna wait another long while till I got a "real" ring lol)

<< a fluffy melon phone strap I bought for a friend's bday♥

<< PLUS X CUBE finally comes to HK!!!! Although I could only find strawberry and soda flavours but at least it's better than nothing (KT only advertised grape, pineapple and grapefruit flavours~~)

fangirling, *shopaholic side switched on*, why so cute?!, life, yay for sparkles&hearts!, snapshots, headlines/hot gossips, super junior, anime, yumyummy food, pv, kpop craze, kat-tun

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