(no subject)

Sep 07, 2009 14:06

I am sure everyone who have pre-ordered the photobook would be getting it sooner or later but those who got it, what do you guys think of the BtR photobook?^____^

I cannot say at this point that whether it's 100% worth it because to me yes it's pretty expensive, maybe I'd need some time to let the awesomeness of the photobook to sink in, but then I cannot help flipping through the pages again this morning. It's gorgeous that's for sure, but then some pages make me go ummm... like the DeepInside parts where I cant see any point of those pics, and the 2-page spread of Koki's back (I'm not even sure whether it's him but i think it is coz of the blonde hair)

Despite that, I am actually loving it haha (sorry i might sound a bit contradicting xD) I love all those backstage snapshots with those boys looking so casual (*cough*I mean who doesnt like to see them half-naked?! haha ) I cant say which pic is my favourite yet, though Ueda's personal favourite pic (according to the latest Television magz - that one with Ueda stepping on Junno after the Planets Battle) is really adorable hehehe, and it's interesting to see the looong makeup table of those boys with a mirror each and countless bottles and stuff haha I am like WOAH SO MANY~~~~

And I cant help wandering whom foot is that xDD Jin OR Kame OR Koki? (you know the one that has all the toenails painted...)

Anyway today I've been catching up with some dl-ing of some very old perf of Ueda, after reading this very lovely Beginners' Guide to loving Ueda Tatsuya <333 And MF is hating everyone at the moment at maintance so I still have the SC perf of Sparking and the latest Special Medley of KAT-TUN (the one with RESCUE and the others) to dl >< I have long given up dl-ing ALL the kat-tun vids so these days I just dl whatever I come across to/ recommended by others, i'm just plain lazy lol

Sharing some more KONKATSU caps I did, from ep5 to 7 this time^_____^

<< I just think he looks so cute when he's drinking with a straw <3


*thinks hard*

<< i-know-there's-something-going-on-with-you look

<< Ueda smiling = me fainting

<, another Ueda smiling pic

<< I know it's not something Ueda-related but I cant help drooling at those cakes haha

p.s. I will be going to a university camp for 3 days this wednesday, that means I wont be looking at my LJ for 3 days >__< The camp better be fun coz it really upset me when I couldnt check my LJ hehe

merchandise, why so cute?!, screencaps, life, ueda, yumyummy food, reviews, jdramas, kat-tun

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