Who doesnt love ICE CREAM? <3

Aug 25, 2009 11:55

Ok so this post is entirely dedicated to my dream phone which I have been waiting to get one since the start of my scary exam, yes I waited for at least *count fingers* ...hmm 2 months...but i guess it worths the patience besides the phone is actually the thing that kept me going and working hard till the end ^____^

I am sure some of you have read about it from time to time so feel free to skip this if you dont feel like reading any spazzing (other than KT lol)

I first found out about this phone when I was searching for some BB vids and happened to come across to their Ice Cream 2 CM which I instantly fallen in love with, but then I found out Ice Cream2 hasnt been released in anywhere other than Korea, so when I'm about to give out I found this detailed review of Ice Cream phone in a random blog on google, -


The actual CM for Ice Cream ~

image Click to view

Kawaii ne? <3 (though I preferred Big Bang's version XD)

<< My actual phone^____^ (plus the phone package box)
Yes i went for white, which stands for vanilla~ the other colour available is pink (strawberry) and blue (pistachio) ~ I am a bit anti-pink so obviously I wont go for pink besides many people said white is best coz it can fake as japanese DoCoMo phones, dont you think so???

<< the HUGE japanese-looking phone buttons (and Maru looking sweet <3 I guess some of you might wonder why I didnt use Ueda xDD Well the reason is I'm kinda in love with Maru right now after watching some of the latest CKT episodes. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR MARU FANGIRLS ^_____^

<< The phone got really plain themes but other than that it got a 3Megapixels camera and bluetooth (my previous SE phone only has infra-red >________<) the highlight (and my fav function) of this phone is that you can customised the LED lights on the surface (orange, as shown)

I spent ages making the word out - as you can see - UEDA♥

At the moment I still dont have much chance to use my phone, afterall I just got it this Saturday and these days I'm not really going anywhere T___T Yet I got to say it feels nice that the phone is long so I wont feel THAT tired holding it for a long time (and the buttons are BIG so its easy to press haha), not to mention I just need to flip open the phone without pressing buttons to unlock the phone everytime ^^

Well dont you think my post ended up sounding like a promotation for this phone ?! XDDD

life, snapshots, big bang, technology is my best friend, sparks of randomness, cm, video, maru, unconditional love

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