It's just like a dream come true...

Jul 06, 2009 19:13

Today I finally understand the feeling of being bored to death lol , seriously I must get some summer job or my japanese classes going (if not just find some friends to hang out with) or else I would go rotten in the house haha
But at least right now I managed to catch up with some dramas - like today I just finished 5 episodes of Atashinchi no Danshi~^__^

I am not going to spazz too much on the story in case i gonna spoil your guys on this awesome drama hehe but I got to say Maki is such a great actress!<3 I have fallen for her innocence and cuteness in Hana Kimi and this time her acting doesnt disappoint me too~~ (but honestly her "beggar" look kinda freak me out at first lol)

Just to give a super short summary of the 6 guys living with Chisato (Maki) -
note: they're not actually the sons of Chsiato nor Shinzo, the company director (now dead)

1) Fuu (Jun) - he wasnt at the house till later and I have no idea who he is at teh moment

2) Takeru (Okada Yoshinori) - A gangster, tough-looking but actually a sweet guy. I think he has kinda fallen for
Chisato already hehe

3) Sho (Mukai Osamu)♥ - Left the house a while ago but the reason/ secret was revealed later. A host working in host clubs by night. Always helping Chisato. And can you believe it not till my sis pointed it out that I finally realised he's that white-haired guy in Mei-chan no Shitsuji O_O so cuteee

4) Masaru (Yamamoto Yusuke) ♥- A model but ever since a tragic event in the past, he has phobia towards female but later on Chisato helped him to recover from it^____^ In love with Chisato too~ of course one of the MAIN reasons why I wanna watch this drama, sdsdfgfhg he's so gorgeous~!!!

5) Sataru (Seto Koji) ♥- a young and talented magician but ever since something happened to his parents, he isolated himself from the rest of the world which later came to step out of the room when Chisato "tricked" him out. In love with Chisato too^^

6) Akira (Okayama Tomoki) - the youngest in the family. Always get bullied but in fact a genius in the stock market. Become more out-going under Chisato's influence
(it's very obvious that the ♥ represents my fav guys in this drama~)

So there you go - one of the nicest things about this drama is that you got to see each of the guys changing under Chisato's influence (kinda like Nobuta wo Produce hehe) Of course my very favourite character is Masaru, HOW CAN SOMEONE NOT LOVE HIM?! ok he looks kinda gay with green eye shadow and stuff , but still I love his expressions xDD

Anyone spazz with me?

fangirling, cute guys are love, reviews, life, jdramas, actress!love

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