(no subject)

Jun 02, 2009 17:20

First of all I saw this over at snowaltz's LJ and thought i would try it out just for fun....
OMG I CANT BELIEVE MY EYES TOO! So please try out and dont get freaked out by the accuracy XD

LJ Friends Meme by coolerq
• You must tell 5 people about this game.

• Ueda Tatsuya is the one that you love. (Do I even need to say why?! XD)

• Nakamaru Yuichi is one you like but can't work out. (Actually I have been thinking whether i should put G-dragon or Maru, but then Maru is really my 2nd offical love besides KAT-TUN is my top fav band~^^ I like this guy, his charm and honesty makes me love him even more but just not as much as ueda)

• You care most about Cherie. (She's my younger sister, of course I love her to bits ♥ And for those who know me well will experience my endless talk of my sis lol I really hope i dont freak u guys out ><)

• Maggie is the one who knows you very well. (Not just because she's the one who gave me my first KAT-TUN cd, not to mention a Maruda DUES one, she's among one of those close friends i have who i can really be the "real" me when she's around)

• Kim is your lucky star. ( So kimmykaos , tell me you would be happy to know that right? )

• Love in snow is the song that matches with Ueda Tatsuya. (My first ever song I heard of Ueda, as well as my fav solo of his <3 "even it's an impossible love, I still love you~")

• White world is the song for Nakamaru Yuichi. (Again this is weird because the quiz manage to pick out Maru's solo...)

• Precious One is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind. ("Tell me why, why do we long for love like this? Someday, someday you're fated to meet someone you'll love...Before you realize it, they'll be by your side....One day you'll find them on this earth, I believe in love

• and Hana no mau machi is the song telling you how you feel about life ( the lyrics is about a happy ending of R&J right? Well I do try to see life in a positive and innocent way hehe, though there'll be bad times, I believes there's always a happy ending to every sadness~)

Take this quiz

And can you believe that Maruda actually appeared in a taiwanese TV show?!
I was SHOCKED when snowaltz first told me about it - and she's so awesome that she managed to make out the sense of those white coloured subs (despite maru's white shirt making most of the subs prety invisible..) but ohhhh Maruda is SO sweet inside, i love the part whre maru repeated what ueda has said, and later on Maru saying Ueda is exaggerating - and there ueda gave the cutest smile in respond<33333
Go witness the sweetness of Maruda hehe

Dont miss out that interview too~ ^^
it seems Maru has became an expert in washing hair too XD (of course along with face washing~) but he's being teased(?) by Ueda saying that Maru is the type that seems rather weak, and he would not become that~

fangirling, interview, lets go to taiwan, life, ueda, love you flist, meme, maruda, quiz, maru

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