Long distance flight is not the nicest thing in the whole wide world I must say, especially if you're struck on a plane for 12 hours (exactly my case xD) but the only thing that makes the travelling so bearable and actually a whole lot better is the variety of movies and music I got to enjoy throughout the flight ^__^ Can you believe there's actually a Jpop and a Kpop music channel on the flight?! with at least 3 Je songs everytime i travel on the plane hehe (occasionally KAT-TUN but this time I only heard Kinki Kids, TOKIO & Arashi~)
Anyway this time I just managed to watch 2 films and got a kinda ok-good-long rest in the remaining hours^__^
first - YAY! - it's Hana Yori Dango movie
Although i never watched the drama series, I am dying to watch this movie for ages coz of my sis's excessive spazz over how awesome is the drama series AND besides I wanna see Oguri Shun (he isnt that dreamy-looking in HanaKimi compared to HYD haha)
The film is ok i guess (maybe if i watched the drama series before, I would have understood the story better and feel more attracted to those characters ><) but then I finally understood why everybody is so falling for oguri shun<333 indeed he's LOVE indeed his gorgeous hairstyle in HYD~
....and I loveee his gentle personality hehe
And then here comes the second movie I watched which I STRONGLY recommended -
I totally give this movie 10 out of 10. 5 stars. Full marks.
Perhaps you can call me abit biased coz I have always enjoyed musicials (e.g. HSM, Hairspray) but I got to admit admit MAMMA MIA is really one of those movies I thoroughly loved and touched my heart <3
My friends have been telling me over and over again how amazing this movie is but I never got around to watch it, but after I dl the entire movie soundtrack album it made me wanna watch this movie even more!
Though the first song I fall in love with is "The Last summer", I grew to lovee many other songs as well as I listen to the album~ Yet nothing can be more perfect than watching the movie itself with all the lovely singing & dancing (you got to admit they can REALLY do that!)
Not to mention the casts are the best of a kind too (perhaps abit biased towards Colin Firth who acted as Mr Darcy in a Pride&Prejudice tv drama series a long time ago xDDD)
Here's three of the movie trailer to persuade you hehe
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