My very own blogcrews♥ ~Maru~

Nov 02, 2008 13:53

【Nakamaru Yuichi】 said to me, "How about we stay in bed all day and feed eachother strawberries and do a few other things while we're at it~?

Life is more beautiful in colours~*
but I just wanna say...
[Nakamaru Yuichi], you are my COLOURS

OMG, it's raining [Maru] <3

Nakamaru Yuichi
Belong to me
Because ☆ t o n i g h t ☆
You make my world feel right.

{{Maru}} and me,
Best friends with privileges.

No matter how far we'll be, I'll always be with you.
→『Nakamaru Yuichi』←

» Nakamaru Yuichi « reads me a bedtime story every night ☆/div>

~ Nakamaru Yuichi~ wishes me

...and gives himself to me
as a birthday gift ♥

{ Nakamaru Yuichi }
 our love is like the s u n coming out of the c l o u d s and warming our souls

[Nakamaru Yuichi] sang to me...
I will always be your friend
I know who you are inside
I am with you till the end
Never far behind.


Dear Johnny-san,
Thanks that you brainwashed me into JE!
But now I want Nakamaru Yuichi

and nobody will hurt !
- or maybe you if you try to be naughty!


♥Nakamaru Yuichi♥
I know what love is,
and it's because of you

Just when I gave up all hope,

You came and gave me butterflies.
{Nakamaru Yuichi}

M A R U ♥
I'll give you all I've got to give
If you say you love me too,
~ Joyce ~

♥ Nakamaru Yuichi ♥
Put together the piece you give
and the piece I give...
"I hope they may create one love..."

"Even if we can't be together,
I want to follow my memories,
and see the same happiness as you do
The fireworks burst in a flush, together with that scent
I want to go to where you are,
I want to run off right now"
I'll love you forever ♥Nakamaru Yuichi♥

it was
{Nakamaru Yuichi}
ran towards me. and said,
"baka. don't blame me if you get sick."
then he pulled me in his arms, and
we shared his jacket together.

I got a phonecall from
{Nakamaru Yuichi}
and he told me,
"Where ever I maybe love,

I'll always be in your

☆you don't need to have white horse or
a transformed pumpkin for true love
because [Nakamaru Yuichi] is my prince charming☆

maru, blogcrews:owned!

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