
Oct 26, 2008 12:10


Your birthday wishes to me<3
Your gorgeous graphics<3 (though I am biased towards the maruda one xDD)
AND all your comments ~~

(Because of U guys, I managed to count up to 36people who said happybday to me LOL)

Anyway anyone notice anything different?

Yepyep I finally changed my layout!!! *throw confetti into air*
gosh I have been telling myself over and over again that I would never change my layout - 1) no time 2) I am abit TOO used to my previous layout besides it's a really nice one ~LOVE IN SNOW~ my fav Ueda solo song<3 Yet , I happened to stumble upon a random lj last night when clicking around people's f-list....and then OMG I caught sight of one of the most beautiful layouts I have ever seen in ages <3 which is the one I am using now^^ (I guess I am quite picky....since I want a simple light-coloured layouts...)
....perhaps I just need some inspiration (plus tonnes of free time which I had now)

LAYOUT - yep found it ! Then off i went searching for a header, not long after I realised this is the most difficult task ever >___< (at that moment I hope I have photoshop ~my dear f-list, do you think you can make me one next time? *go puppy eyes*) I didnt want to use my current header at first but after a long sleep I woke up this morning thinking that it's not THAT here it is^-^

I am glad the HTML code no longer kills me AS MUCH AS the first time - the endless code really freaks me out and somehow they refuse to work for me *sobs*

So the theme for this time is *-.,,.-:*Pieces of love*:-.,.-:*
いつかまた季節が巡り 君に会えたとしたら ~ Kakigoori
"Someday when the seasons have yet to come around, I would miraculously get to meet you again"

livejournal, love you flist, ueda, kat-tun

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