Start of my busy life again

Sep 03, 2008 20:44

Great, I'm back at school for my final year of high school (or secondary u name it) which every single teachers kept emphasising how mega important this year will be to your career, and even your future life...

After the 2-months-longsummer holiday U can imagine how hard for me to wake up early again at 7.30am every single morning and do homework without end, not to mention further studies and exams coming up to worry about....Of course I do wish I can get good grades, get into my 1st / 2nd choice university studying the Pharmacy course, and ended up having a good job...HOWEVER at the same time it means I need to sacrifice loads more time studying instead of wandering around the kattunlove community (far too time-consuming and there are far too much updates on KT) and fangurling over my loves every single day *cries*

Nakamaru Yuichi, my 2nd love♥


(and Happy birthday Kimmy

~lucky birthday girl~! )

KAT-TUN is love, and that’s why right at the beginning I just cant decide whether I like Jin/Kame/Junno/Maru/Koki more but eventually Maru just totally wins me over <3

To me it isnt the looks that attract me to Maru, yep he just doesnt have the hot-Jin/Kame-look (plus it’s obvious that he’s not photogenic) yet this doesnt mean he cant look sexy.....

 like this....

Maru, though you look wayyyy too "normal" most of the time and you even try to hide behind jin and kame lol, your coolness still show once in a while^-^


But afterall I love your casual look most and in fact it's your ordinariness that makes you so down-to-earth^^ (just like the random guy next door, I wish!)....and OMG cant believe i miss out this >> Your beatboxing is truly awesome, one of the most unique talents in KAT-TUN ^-^ U also has a great personality as well (just dont bully poor junno too much, can you? I mean you and koki XD), also without U acting as a peacemaker and lighting up the atmosphere, I bet KAT-TUN gonna fight over tiny things every single day ...not to mention you're so awesome in graphic designs ><

The one thing that totally got me is maru's talkativeness ~honestly I would never get bored chatting and listening to him!!!~^-^ (isnt maru good at chatting up strangers too?) maru is such a great MC too ~everything he says turn out to be so hilarious and interesting~ I would loveee to become good friends with Maru: hanging out together, go shopping etc...<3

And ohhhh your smile (though it could never bet Ueda's kawaii killer smile) It just seems ever so nature~~<3

and did I mention how gorgeous Maru looks in this pic<333

Sending all the love & best wishes to Maru, from faraway xxx
Well though Maru rules today, I just cant resist the temptation of mentioning Ueda love XD 
Maru + Ueda = Maruda <3 *My fav pairing in the whole wide JE world* 

However this is not based on that love relationships (those who know me should know that I am not really a fan of fanfics~ they freak me out a lot) I am simply a supporter of their friendship<3 Not only both of them hang out together very often *winkwinkHokkaido* The pairing looks great in pics as well, especially they both have that cute happy smile and they seems to have sooo much fun together^-^


....and I love those secret moments they share XDD

Not to mention their voices seem so perfectly match together and one of the best examples of this (and my fav pairing song too^^) is the performance of Your side... Afterall how can U not love this pairings then!?

fangirling, life, picspam, ueda, performance, school kills me, video, graphics, maruda, birthdays, maru

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