My very HONEST view on DUES pv making...

Jun 10, 2008 19:26

gif credit to vandi714

I know it's abit late but i just finished watching DUES pv making with my friend on youtube~

Kame's funny lookin socks, spiderKAME..
Jin's long extension hair, "drink this milk" skit....
Koki's gold teeth, falling from the chair bit...
Junno's pretending to be drunk, funny expression, and the hangers (oops)
Maru's hypnotism (more like poking kame's eyes lol), and thanks to him I finally understand the story..

Sure I save my opinions on ueda to the last coz i bet i gonna have tonnes to talk about....
Ueda's prop skit ~moshi moshi~ KAwaiii* and LoL he needs to stand in front of the deer...
and of course ueda's slip~ i was like OMG ARE U ALRIGHT?! *ouch* i am soo glad everybody jst kinda laughed it off coz i am sure it might be really embarassing for him to slip in front of everyone (include the dancers+ esp in front of the camera) but the way he said *shyly* at the end "hehe I slipped over" ~~ it's sooooooooooooo kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oh i just couldnt exaggerate the word even more XD and his smile all along just captures my heart ^-^ Love

I love the dancing F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C ~ though sometimes those guys might not get the timing right sure they did try hard *blaming each other all the time huh?* in particular i love the parts when those guys ran off to six different directions at one point, then Ueda walks up the stairs and maru taking the crystall from someone's hand but my fav goes to koki + junno, who looks stunningly cool when he jumps down from the desk (?) and he did such a beautiful swirl~~~The visual effects are cool as wel especially the way the crystals the way it freaks me out abit to see kame+jin to stand at a platform such high!

ohhhhhhh i nearly forget mentioning their factory skit LoL they do it in every single PV making ~love this one~*

U: I’m the bad one

M: What’s your name?

U: Taguchi

M: What an annoying name.

Kame: Long time, no see

Koko: Ah, daddy!

Kame: Daddy’s here for you

M: Ah, shall I call my factory boss over to join in?

Kame: Call the boss then.

M: Okay, boss!

*runs off searching for the boss and shockingly end up bring the white-haired girl over*

LoL@ Kame's reaction~ he physically jumped and went a few steps back!
well Koki kinda hide in a corner (not too sure what's he doing..) and it's impossible not to notice Ueda who is laughing his head off with his very distinguistive funny laugh^-^

fangirling, why so cute?!, reviews, pv, kat-tun

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