Jul 04, 2010 12:07


These days the sun finally comes out to shine on us all, but gosh you can't imagine how BOILING HOT it is to be in hk especially with all those cars running around, crowds and pollution (ARGH)  No wonder hk teenagers' fav entertainments are shopping (or window-shopping lol), sing karaoke or watching movies haha.

And this is exactly what I did yesterday - my friend from Macau came to HK for a japanese test today and he bought over his another friend to sing karaoke with us all (did I mention how annoying it is to plan this meetup? ><) We sang for hours before we wandered around to look for a place to eat - mind you thats around 9pm =_= - and finally the guys came to the decision that we're going to this japanese restaurant for dinner. I am actually starving to death at that point but oh well ~~ we ordered our own rice dishes and shared among ourselves, with a bit of side dishes added to full our stomach haha

If my mum didnt urge me to go back home, I would definitely stay longer still I was back at home by 12 like Cinderella XD but OH YEAH THE DAY IS FULL OF LAUGHS! Oh we even took purikuras and it's hilarious two of the guys are even more concern over their appearance than girls, and btw there's only 2 girls (including me) and in fact that is my very first time to hang out with so many guys lol (4 guys, precisely lol)

I am going out again today to watch Toys Story 3, another fun day I feel? ^_____^

So another 4 July, another 3 birthdays~~

Jin, I am so happy for you for being able to fulfill your dreams this summer though it'd be great if you could be in the WORLD TOUR as well, but have tons of fun in US and shine out your best ~~~which I am sure you did as far as I can tell from all those never ending You&Jin fanreports and don't get too drunk in parties LOL

This year is not really a NEWS year to me but Massu you'll be my favourite NEWS member. I wish you all the best on your special day and continue to work hard in both NEWS and Tegomass give Maru some time to dine with Ueda though i am happy you become such good friends with Maru after RESCUE ^_____^

 and happy birthday luv_akame !

I hope you have tons of fun today and I shall keep my promise to remember as much as I can when I go to KT con in Taiwan~~ (though my memory may fail me when I get TOO excited :P)
Looking forward to fangirl with you in the future and you know it's been great meeting up with you last time!

happydays, graphics, massu, love you flist, life, birthdays, jin

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