Apr 20, 2010 22:51

Heyyy how's my everyone on my f-list doing?

I am kinda on my semi-hiatus right now and trying my very best not to update that often (though I will still catch up with comments)....just finished my 6 LAB REPORTS! (yeah~~), going to hand in my last enzymes lab report tomorrow (which confused me sooo much), group presentation next week and finally - JAPANESE LISTENING & SPEAKING ASSESSMENT THIS THURS >.<

Glad there's not much new stuff in the fandom these days or should I say I did not get myself addicted to any new things..........oh wait - yes in fact I have these two anime series I have just started - and this new Korean variety show -----

SHINee hello baby!

I knew about it a long while ago but seeing that each episode lasts for 50min, I gave up immediately and not even my sis can persuade me to watch that programme. Until I am bored to death today lol.

I knew most of the SHINee boys are younger than me but I just can't help loving their cuteness and their dancing is just awesome! Not to forget their singing too (namely Jonghyun & Onew), overall each of them (like every boy groups) have their own charms. Well I think SHINee's "Noona is so pretty" is just perfect for fangirls like me! XDD
At the beginning of the show, the boys need to pass this test and one of the challenges is to dance to some kid songs - in a cute way - and Onew is such a star~*

Finally when the "baby" appeared, I went all awwwwwww as well~~~ he has such cute big eyes <333
As the boys trying to impress the baby (ok what happen to you, Onew?) Key and Minho seem to be the perfect Dad (s) - or should I say Mum, in the case of Key :P - who wouldn't loveeee huggles ?

....and don't gave up, Taemin, Jonghyun & Onew! HWAITING! ^0^

(left to right) Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, "baby" & Key

p.s. I finally got to chat to my parents today - and they told me one of the best news ever! Not only they managed to book the TW flight tickets, the rooms in Sunworld Dynasty Hotel (which is exactly opposite to Taipei Arena) have been booked successful~~~*throw confetti*

p.p.s NO WAY OMG JIN IN GOING TO AUDITION IN THE NEW POTC MOVIE?! and yes Hawaii con is a cover for this, in case Jin fail .....well I am not sure whether I want to see him there in one of my fav movies of all times

shinee, fangirling, lets go to taiwan, why so cute?!, oh-so-hard road of becoming a pharmacist, life, headlines/hot gossips, jin, shout-outs, reviews, procrastinating is my speciality, kpop craze

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