ICA Prom

Mar 05, 2006 11:29

~March 4, 2006~

Who knew? Everyone tries their best to look their best on prom night; they fix themselves up to look like movie stars. Everyone dreams about how the perfect prom would be like. Would there be candles and champagne? Hip-hop dancing or a lot more slow-dancing? Wondering about how to make the prom more "perfect" is alright... but for me, there was only one way I could have the perfect prom.

"true love isn't about what other people think about you, it's about you knowing how much this heart loves you so much.. =b"

Last night was a memorable night... I probably never had so much fun, so many silly conversations, look so bad in front of others, laugh so hard, get hurt deeply, slow dance like the night would never end, be in so much physical pain and keep my smile-for-the-camera face on for so long... and still feel great afterwards... until last night! =b

How would I rate this prom? If "perfect" was a number it would probably be 5/10 because this prom was a 10!

Perfect doesn't necessarily mean looking like a movie star and everything going smoothly...no, perfect means being with the person you really want to be with and for that reason, this prom was... simply perfect! (",)

P.S. - it's been so long since i posted here... =b
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