HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my almost-birthday-twin,
theregaltigress!! XD Sorry I didn't get your text till this morning, I was sleeping already. :P You just shouldn't stay out that late with A CERTAIN SOMEONE. XD XD
I got to work this morning and within an hour, I've gotten:
XBox Live Gold subscription card from Linda
GIANT BOTTLE OF NIGORI SAKE and Petco Gift card from Taryn
Tea gift set from Tiffany
Getting lunch today. :3
I just found out yesterday that
Carpe Diem, the cheap art supply store, is LOCAL (i.e. half an hour away). We're going tomorrow to get some Trias. XD Anyone want anything? Never mind, they're not open on Saturdays. ;_; YES THEY ARE OPEN. It took them a while to write me back, but they're open! :D I'll be there tomorrow!
Post your holiday wish-list in your journal along with this excerpt;
List up to ten things you'd like for the holidays. It can be anything from a new car, to a new livejournal icon. Then go to your friend's lists or even stranger's and grant some of their wishes if possible. You'll be surprised how good it feels to receive AND give for the holidays!
1. ART. I always, always, always love art from you guys! <3333 And it doesn't have to be of me, like some of my favorite pieces are ocean or forest related and have nothing to do with mokey. :3
2. Toys/food/whatever for my two rat boys. :3
3. Pokemon toys/figures/plush. XD XD [/dork]
4. Music!
5. Any animal plush, really. :3
6. Um, this is getting hard... Food? XD BAKED GOODS. <3
7. Tea!
8. Art supplies?
10. A donation to a wildlife or environmental charity.
... Seriously, this bottle is like over a foot tall (1.5L OMG) and it's sitting on my desk. XD People keep asking me about it... :P