That's something I don't think I'd forward to mine. o-o;
Scary thing is, all that was was me remembering that some people eat their placentas, and then going onto Google and searching for "placenta recipes". Further proof that if you can think of it, someone else already has. XD
Seriously. I mean, eating that returns a ton of nutrients to your body, sure, and like, wild animals do it, but WE DON'T NEED TO because we have Whole Foods and Safeway and crap!! OMG.
It's like making blood sausage out of my period. Oh ew, messed up mental image...... D: D:
People do all kinds of strange things in the name of "art". I remember hearing about a guy who rented a suite in New York and then threw melted cheese everywhere. I guess I am not sufficiently artistic to appreciate such a thing. :)
And what's wrong with looking? Just because I can keep certain concepts in my head long enough to search for them doesn't mean anything bad, does it? XD
Your edit 2 scares me a bit. I never was a fan of the sex-in-the-car concept, but at 2pm in the afternoon in a place where other people are likely to be? I guess it's obvious I'm not a fan of the exhibitionist concept, either. ^^
*forwards it to her co-workers* Mwahahah XD
That's something I don't think I'd forward to mine. o-o;
Scary thing is, all that was was me remembering that some people eat their placentas, and then going onto Google and searching for "placenta recipes". Further proof that if you can think of it, someone else already has. XD
It's like making blood sausage out of my period. Oh ew, messed up mental image...... D: D:
Of course, the existing blood sausage recipes probably adapt pretty well. XD
I do know of people who use their periods for art. o__________o
And what's wrong with looking? Just because I can keep certain concepts in my head long enough to search for them doesn't mean anything bad, does it? XD
Artists are weird. Don't pay any attention to them. *nod*
Fortunately for them, I haven't run into them yet. Being in public means additional chances for harassment. XD
Blah, I know it's only Thursday, but I really don't feel like working. Ugh. :P
He calls himself the number 1 of number 2. XD
I take it this is your cousin's other grandfather, not yours, right? XD
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