OKAMI FOR THE WII FINALLY!!!! [edit] Just looked up that this came out 4/15. NO ONE TOLD ME. D:
Must get.... :O Though I'm sure 90% of my f-list has already beat this game, but jeez, they finally put it on the platform it was made for!
Work is funny. Somewhat awkward phone conversations with tech guys are not helped when they tell you your voice is adorable. o.o Haha. Hah. o.o It also doesn't help when your co-worker *coughLINDA* is laughing away in front of you. BUT at least the problem has been (mostly) overcome!
<3 to a bird, she knows who she is.
Been really loving my leafy sea mokeydragon lately. Man, every time I want to do art, I'm in a place where I can't. D: