my heart was always only half full until the moment that i finally found you

Apr 17, 2010 04:14

Small update before I go sleep because I keep forgetting to post.

Reverse chronological order, I suppose!

♥ Just got back from climbing up to the roof of Zumberge Hall! It was a bit dangerous and all exciting. The view was so pretty and there I discovered a section of roof that looks a lot like the clock tower of Twilight Town. I'm a dork, I know.

♥ Went to EA Games office in LA today! I was very satisfied with the speakers they chose for this time. The 4 speakers were all very interesting and kept me awake the entire 3.5 hours of presentations! (A great feat considering I only had about 3-4 hours of sleep.) Although I didn't get to go on the tour in the end... :( and I stupidly, stupidly forgot to bring my camera, I'm satisfied also because I got tons of cheap games for friends and myself. :) Personally, I bought Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age Origins, and Mirror's Edge, all for PC and all for $10 each!! When I got rung up, I nearly had a heart attack because the total came up to about $160ish, but then the employee discounts were applied and the total was fixed to $33. ♥ Such great prices! $50 games -> $10! Awesome. Maybe I can finally be a better games major and actually play some games now.

♥ Hung out with wintressrain, her friend Laurence, and another friend of mine on the 2nd day of Little Tokyo's Cherry Blossom Festival. I had much fun making fun of that very weeaboo band. HAHA they were pretty ridiculous... "I'M HOT LIKE WASABI" or something similar. Ick. It's too bad it randomly became too cold for us to wear the yukata Lennie prepared though! Maybe next time~

♥ My Yuuki wig arrived in the mail! Also, my Fantasy Sheep order with itsuka seems to also have come in! I'm so excited to receive those wigs. x) As for things I've ordered, I'm just waiting on 2 makeup orders and 1 contacts order now, haha. Hopefully they'll all come soon! So very excited.

♥ Many April birthdays! Happy birthday to yromenapri whose birthdate is on April 2nd! Since you have LJ. xP

♥ The first weekend of April, kei_tsubasa surprised all of us in SoCal and came down for a visit, haha. I had a lot of fun hanging out with him and meeting Lennie as well! :D We very spontaneously went everywhere and anywhere for 2 days. It was certainly a welcome break from school and assignments! I think on the 2nd day we randomly went to Rowland Heights for crepes and then on the 91 to hear a mysterious dog bark and then to Guppy's in Anaheim so Lennie and Laurence could eat the super spicy chicken. :P Sorry, spicy just usually isn't my thing!

♥ Randomly, Just Dance just came up on my Pandora playlist. Wow, I haven't heard this for a while! I've missed you, you classic Gaga song.

I'll try to update more.. Don't worry, I still read each and every one of the entries on my f!list and check back regularly. :) I'm not so inactive on LJ just yet!

everyday, collegeland, ea games, irl

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