boys boys boys at the bar, am i starin'

Feb 07, 2010 05:15

I need to start posting more! Quick life update, since it's rather late and I am quite tired!

My schedule this semester is kind of crazy... but I love it so much. Such great classes and professors! I don't even mind going to office hours.

Data Structures T/R 11-12:20pm
Video Game Production W 6-9pm / F 11-1pm
3D Animation M 4-7pm / F 1-4pm
Pipelines for Games (AKA modeling and making assets for the upperclassmen's final games) W 2:30-5:30pm
Japanese 3 M/T/W/R/F 10-10:50am
Piano Instruction T 6-6:30pm
Flute Instruction R 4:30-5pm

I went clubbing for the first time on Thursday night with CASA! It was a lot of fun, even though there were many creepy people and lots of being hit on randomly without me noticing. At one point some guy also stomped on my right foot and I have a big bruise there now. Buuuut, my roommate dressed me up, which was exciting, because it turned out to be exactly something I would have picked out had I had the top/belt she lent me. ♥ I wish I had gotten some pictures, but ah well. Sadly, I think my heels killed a nerve or something in my right foot because now my second toe has been numb since.. Is this normal, or should I go to the health center??

This is a month late but thank you to everyone I saw/hung out with/met at ALA for making it so much fun for me! I loved ALA so much I'm going to try to make it a regular con now. :) Hopefully I'll have a proper report up sometime in the near future, but for now I'm still waiting on 1 of 3 photoshoot's pictures. (Does anyone know where I can find pictures of the group/myself from the DOGS shoot?) I've been itching for pictures!

I'll try to post more often, although my schedule often results in every week being a "hell week". :T

school, everyday, irl

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