it's like the darkness in the light

Oct 12, 2008 03:31

Hello! It is 3:32 AM pacific time and I still can't sleep...

I seriously think I might have insomnia. :\ The past week or so, I haven't been able to sleep before 2 AM or later. It's really bizarre! I just lie in bed for hours, unable to fall asleep. In the beginning, I tried reading until I felt tired, and recently, I (re)discovered the laptop in my room. XD

As a result, I finally have gotten somewhere with my UC essay drafts! After 2 weeks of being stuck and not knowing how to shorten my 2-3 page long first drafts, I finally got the 1st one down to 508 words--the perfect length for the UC essays! It's pretty exciting. I just hope my counselor person isn't too mad at me for not sending it the 24 hrs. before our meeting.. The learning center in charge of his schedules and stuff just called me TODAY telling me to meet him tomorrow, so. >_>

Now to work on that other essay..

Funny thing is, I'm not even sleepy yet, just sore from sitting awkwardly on my bed. XD

In other news, I can't beat this song past 75% on medium in GH3 yet. :[ Darn you awkward keyboard controls. I'm "strumming" with my right ring finger... -3-

Also, I have finally stopped formatting as "song - artist" on LJ. Now I can stop confusing myself! 8)

insomnia, college apps, irl

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