Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2007 22:57

Happy New Year (1 hour early XD) to everyone~ Yay being late on west coast. 8D

So I am pretty excited, but kind of not because this year was like the year of random spectacular things. *A*;;
Especially con season this year--cosplay with Karu was just amazing. ♥
And COSMOS. Everyone there was so amazinggg~

Hokai, I'm not really supposed to be up because mommy and daddy are like "no stay up late nooooo" like that, so I'll get to the point and post resolutions. XD

01. Lose belly fat orz;; I shall do at least (my age x 3 +5) crunches everyday.
02. Get healthy I guess this goes with #1 but yeah.. SHARI LET'S GET FIT TOGETHAR??
03. Draw more and improve significantly I didn't really improve too much from 2006 to 2007 so I'll make it a definite goal to have a huge gap between 2007 and 2008!
04. Study more for classes and SAT I've really been putting it off, but 2008 is just chock full of critical tests I must must must pass and I need to get my ass in gear.
05. Raise my grades. Plz to keep up 4.0 unweighted GPA. God, I've really never had this problem before, but I really need to raise my grades in Am Lit H, APUSH, and especially Chem AP. C+ is only acceptable as a programming language lulz. And this goes along with getting my ass in gear achedemically.
06. Better time management and to be able to prioritize better!
07. Continue makeover lolol Hi Shari! Let's do something about our boyish-not-caring styles together! 8D I have really got to get away from my grade-school tomboy attitude/style. It's useful for cosplay because that means I'm already in character since I always cosplay boys! But...no. I've discovered that I actually look nice in skinny jeans if I hide my thighs and that I've somewhat developed a punkish style. lolol Hot Topic here I come?! XDD
08. Be less awkward and antisocial I'm with twin on this one. I suck at communicating, period. I really can't talk to people I don't know, or even people I do know, either. It sucks. ):
09. Procrastinate less I think this has been on my resolutions list for like the past 4 years but lmao maybe this year I'll finally do something about it!
10. Get a backbone! I am a great big pushover and am easily taken advantage of! Big no!
11. Get stronger I need muscles for self-defense and stuff. And a certain person will stop calling me weak and "easy". D<
12. Save money for con season I did a really good job this year, but all my munnies are gone nao and I need to do what I did this year again for 2008. XD

Ok, so I shouldn't make that many, but most of them are simple enough and I can't break them too easily, so~ *3*

Let's see what I accomplished!
Resolutions for 2007:
02. Improve in drawing, coloring, CGing, etc. Slightly... Copics helped. 8D
03. Set goals to work towards.
04. Play DDR and burn 200 kcal at least every other day to lose weight/lipid content!
05. Save money for FanimeCon AND AX.
06. Have merchandise and cosplay prepared for Fanime and AX. I did both for AX so I guess that counts XD
07. Be more time-efficient.
08. Become un-anti-social.

new years, everyday, resolutions, irl

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