Beach Boardwalkk

Jul 16, 2007 00:17

Going to Boardwalk for the first time in a year was funnn~ We had to stay in our Clusters the whole time though. But I got to play DANCE MANIAX again!!!!! Remember, Lidaaaaa? :D :D :D The awesome game with the awesome sensor-ness and stuff. XD

Anyway, I was actually back in Cupertino for Saturday night and Sunday morning/afternoon. XD But I'm back at Santa Cruz now since I have class tomorrow. I kind of miss my house. ):

Sleep now. 8D No more sleep depriving myself this week. God I was so tired yesterday. (And then I fell asleep on the car on the way home and then got like 12 hours of sleep that night. Yay!)

everyday, cosmos, irl

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