Birthday Game Day

Jun 05, 2007 16:54

Sunday was my birthday. A little after three my old college chum Miho joined icespark and me in the Marott's piano room, and Miho and I got to catch up on what he and his wife have been up to in the, oh, seven years since I last saw him. lildomino had called earlier to let me know that she didn't have to be at work Sunday after all, so she joined us soon, followed by B! and ewysiwyg. We waited a bit to see if anyone else was going to join us, and then headed to IHOP.

At IHOP I had a fun birthday dinner with my friends, and then we headed back to my apartment building. icespark's college friend uxsquared joined us, and soon elbanditorojo showed up as well. icespark and uxsquared caught up on what's been going on since they saw each other last, while Miho and elbanditorojo did the same. It was college reunion night at the Marott! A@, another college friend of icespark's arrived, and completely bugged out that uxsquared was there. It was fun to witness.

Over the course of the evening, we played several games of Apples to Apples, with a pretty wide distribution of winners. Later, we played Taboo, men vs. women-plus-B! Once again, the men (minus B!) got trounced, and again I've never laughed so much or had so much fun losing a game. We discussed playing Munchkin Cthulhu, but we had too many players and not enough room. I also got Transformers Monopoly, which I'll have to play sometime, but not with eight people!

icespark and I had bought snacks for the evening, and uxsquared brought yummy cake. I bought way too much soda, and a couple of people brought more, so I'll have chips and soda to last me until the next game day. We invited a few of the new people to the Yahoo Groups for Indiana RP and Subversive Pie, so with luck we can all hang out again soon.

Alas, lildomino had proposal to edit for work, and elbanditorojo had to get home to the missus, so we started losing people at the end of the evening. We played another couple of hands of Apples to Apples, and then broke up for the evening. I had a great time with everyone who was able to join us, and look forward to the next game day!

( Cross-Posted to inrp... )

cross-posted, birthday, taboo, game day, transformers, apples to apples, icespark, ewysiwyg, lildomino

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