Oy. Today is stressful. We’ve been in training all week at work, which is nice in that I get to go home relatively early, but which sucks when I have to be here at 8 AM (early for me), and take calls from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, the busiest time of the day. Taking calls when we’re busy is the part of this job I hate the most (I hate talking on the phone in general, but much worse when there are 12 more calls waiting in queue). I realize there are people with much worse jobs than mine, but a sense of perspective doesn’t make it any less stressful to me when I feel like a lab rat undergoing a pressure test. I tend to curse a lot, to the amusement (I hope) of my coworkers.
Last night I had to fight off all kinds of really attractive temptation in order to stay home, try (unsuccessfully) to decompress from my week, and (successfully) make some headway on bills due this month and things like registering for GenCon before today’s deadline. I wanted to get my apartment in some kind of order, as well, but I didn’t make as much progress on that front as I’d wanted to. I did get to chat with a few people I’d wanted to talk with, but since I wound up talking to all of them at ONCE, I frazzled myself to no end. My multitasking skills are completely gone.
Tonight I’m going to try again to take it easy, de-stress, and maybe play some Icewind Dale II. I should be in Bloomington this weekend to see
lemur_lady and Serenity at the Monroe County Public Library, so I’d like to be de-stressed enough to actually enjoy myself. B^)
May you be touched by His Noodley Appendage!