(no subject)

Apr 16, 2009 17:49

Another print interview from Fancast.com:

Tell me about what your recovery was like. How did you get through it?

It was a little nerve wracking but all in all it was great. It was very rapid and very complete. And it was inspiring.

Why inspiring?
Well it showed me that I have a lot of very good people in my life and that I’m strong enough to make it back. They’re very simple answers but it’s important to be able to appreciate those things.

What do you think it was that got you through the whole process?
I think there are several people that were important in that. My family and other people that are very close to me that I will keep in my own private reserves. But it was definitely the people around me and the fact that I was in fairly decent condition before and I received good treatment.

Were you worried about whether or not you would be coming back?
I think that you go through a process of worrying about everything when you have an interruption in your life like that. My most important concern was getting better.

Are you still doing any type of physical therapy?
No, I’m back.

Was there any kind of welcome back party from the cast?
No, I got everything that I wanted which was just to be welcomed back by people that I really like and have a good relationship with. That was good enough.

What will we be treated to in the episode where you’re back?

It will consist of that blue Land Cruiser right there coming down the street [points to Jackson's car on the set]. And Jackson stops in front of the house and he sees Susan in the driveway getting in her car. And they have a conversation and he invites her to dinner. I think it will be more why would this guy just show up like this without calling to let me know that he’s around? But it’s heartwarming because there’s an immediate response between them. I think she’s happy to see him and he’s happy to see her. And they kind of play that.

So there is hope for Jackson and Susan?
I think there’s hope for them continuing where they were at and expanding on where they’ve been. I’m not sure if it will be the same, slightly different, or something else all together new.

Watch as Harold comes back to ‘Housewives’ May 3 on ABC.

The interview is at: www.fancast.com/blogs/tv-news/gale-harold-back-on-the-set-of-desperate-housewives-talks-recovering-popping-a-question/

gale's return, dh, gale, interview

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