Picspam: Two Sides of the Coin #1

Mar 15, 2010 09:28

Picspam: "Two Sides of the Coin Part 1"

It's been a while since I posted one of my weird pic spams, so I figured it was time.*g* I chose that title because all of the pics involve Brian and Justin speaking directly to each other, but in the scene, the viewer only gets camera shots of each of them separately, so you can't see each man's reaction at the same time. I "doodled" with some photos and here's the result (for better or worse). Not dial-up friendly, unfortunately. Hope I made some sense w/the explanation! All are clickable for larger, btw! PLEASE DO NOT REPOST! JUST LINK BACK TO THIS LJ. Thanks!










two sides of the coin1, qaf, b/j, picspam

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