Captain Adohan Cerberus, The Black Steel Pirate
(note regarding this character: He is designed for a high power game in mind, not a starting level 1 character)
Species: Soul possessing a construct body, original species unknown and deliberately left unclear, it was probably some form of human, but frankly at this point, one wonders if he was ever "human" to begin with.
Eye Color: Glowing White
Hair: N/A
Aura Color: Bleached Out White (oh, yes.)
Spoken Languages: Igan, Jerolan, Yesshan
Appearance: Tall. Probably bordering on harpy or disguised valdrex height. Humanoid construct made of tempered, magically treated brass and steel that never rusts. His body is mostly gold or brown in color, and he wears a heavy long coat. He also has a mighty fine and fairly impressive hat. His body also vents steam every so often. It doesn't need to, per-say, but it makes him all the more intimidating when he does.
Personality: Insane. Psychotic. Greedy. Chaotic neutral pirate, and shamelessly so. Captain Cerberus is very much insane and will attack any ship he desires with little rhyme nor reason to it. He desires gold, weapons, and all out power, and in his mind, can never have enough of it. He possesses the construct body for a form of immortality, and it's highly doubtful that the one you see is the only one.
The fact that he has a crew that's crazy enough to follow him probably says something.
Ability: Kanna Channeler, Animancer
Channeling Element: Kanna (All 'material' elements: Death, Life, Metal, Earth, Wind, Water)
Channeling Powers:
Inherent: Manifestation
Inherent: Elemental (Kanna) Sense
Aura Focusing
Aura Suppression
Ability Enhancement (Advanced)
Chaos Field (Advanced)
Ballistic motion
Captain Cerberus is not a spellcaster. The spells he knows are largely the ones that he needs to simply be an animancer. He either steals the casters he needs, or has members of his crew construct what he wants (it's how he got his boomsling).
His construct body, however, has a number of hidden weapons and casters inside it, ranging from a cannon-boomsling in one hand to several effect-based casters hidden within compartments of it. Flamethrowers and other destructive caster based weapons likely apply.
In addition to this, his body can withstand a lot of punishment, both physically and presumably magically.
He is made a further threat by the fact that his construct body is already physically powerful, ability enhancement and aura focusing only raising this.