Senior Trip.

Jun 03, 2007 13:25

Friday was the senior trip to Hershey.
I had to get up at 6 so I could be at the school by 6:45
The bus ride sucked hella bad
We stoped at a McDonalds to go pee
but the teachers were like dont buy anything.
Who the hell stops at a McDonalds at breakfast time
and doesnt get food.
No one listened to them what so ever.
Once we got there it seemed that everyschool that has ever been was there.
the parking lot was full of school buses
Im glad we were not lame like the other schools
and had to wear matching shirts.
We had a mad good time on the rides.
It started raining at about 5:30
Matt Mike & I stayed under the game things
That was a bad idea I wasted like $15 trying to win stuff
I won a real cute white tiger a pig and a kiss
I gave them all to Dustin
But they were pretty much all well water loged
The 4 hour bus ride home sucked
becuase everyone was soaked
it was icky
and it smelled bad
We got back to the school at like 11:45ish
Dustin came to pick me up so I could go back home with him
[woo only 4 more days of school and I get to move in]
He got snakebites done
& he looks mad kinds of hot
All in all it has been a good weekend
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