(no subject)

Jun 05, 2007 01:53

Well Boys and Girls, Also to the faggots who still have me on their friends lists.


I, in a rather random fit of sillyness have decied to update my journal after a little break of about...oh 7 months since my last post. How dull and unamusing for the JL community and for this appolgys are in order....or nah It's just not my style.

So whittleing my days away on a fake internet world has become rather dull at the moment. My toon is not nearly pimped as i should like but alas, whats a girl to do?
Play for more hours and wasted dreams? Not when their is a more pressing concern on my mind.

My fall into insanity and death.....

Perhapes this is overly dramatic, but thats just the way my life is rolling. For you seen boys and girls two days ago I was bitten by a rather vicious dog. For I arived home late-ish and dicoverd a black and white spotted dog hiding in the garage......

Of course my family will take fancy to any animal within a 3 mile radius and this creature was no exception...That was until the dog was discoverd to be doing the doggy equivilare of flinging feces everwhere and at this point my mother asked me to get it out of the garage.

This is where goes down hill, this dog was wild and scared and no mater of coxing or pushing would convice it to get out so my sister and i donned gloves and the fucking thing turned aound a t bit me on the thumb, right throug the heavey glove.

SooOOOoooOOOOooOOooooOOOOoooo Parnoia has dictated that i have "teh rabies"
So i daydream about foaming at the mouth and biting people who deserve it lol.

Otherwise i feel happy, and content with life.
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