Jul 31, 2006 13:01
So the big controversial Moral Oral that I was waiting
for was pretty damn funny. I can see why some dumfucked
republican nut-job org. (FCC) wouldn't want it on the air.
Few things.
Global Goonzu still rocks.
The british gov. cracking down on 'internet bullying' makes
me giggle.
And they finally caught the giant squid on film.
It's honestly what i've been looking for in a game.
Free for life, tons of creation and job skills, constant
addons and patching and big events each month all with an
anime easy on the eyes tone.
Second- Fags
The british gov cracking down on anything is laughable but
'internet bullying'? It sounds like all their teens are finding
out just how much their life sucks over there from other people
in other countries. I'm interested in what they consider 'internet
bullying' though. In the end it's probably just them being retarted again.
Info-> England is now considered to be a third world country.
Lastly- This was exitiing for me. This saturday there's gonna be a special
on the giant squid. They finally caught one on film alive. We've known
they existed for quite some time because they find them dead all the time. But
until now no one had seen one alive. And when they say giant this thing is giant.
This thing's big enough to eat you, with ease. Anyway, that's just the nerd in me.
Don't like it? Fuck you.