Pick a fictional character from a fandom I know and I'll answer the following questions to the best of my abilities:
1) What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her. Likewise if you dislike the character.
2) Is he/she important to the general plot?
3) Can you relate to this character at all? Do they grip you
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2) She's pretty important. Not as much as Aang or Zuko, but whatever.
3) I definitely can. I have mommy issues, much like Azula's. And my younger sister and I have a Zuko/Azula relationship. (Plus, I can totally bend lightining)
4) Well, I like the Avatar fandom alot. They tend to be well, alot smarter than most of my fandoms. (Futurama, Family Guy) But I can't stand the fanbrats and shippers who constantly warring with each other.
5) Not really. Zuko or Ty Lee would probably be the only characters I'd consider pairing her up with.
6) Not a thing.
7)I think we'd get along. And I'd probably develop a crush.
8) Definitely one of my all-time favorites.
9) Yes. XD
10) Eh, well most fans seem to like her/think she's hot. But there are also alot of fans who think she's evil and stupid.
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