at last, my eyes are open to my destiny in life!

Mar 27, 2010 08:06

Last night: through my own stupidity (by bumping my hand on a laundry basket), I spill half a fucking glass of coffee milk on the bed.

This morning: through my own fucking morondumbassery (by leaving a cup of anything near any cats ever regardless of adequate supervision nor whether or not the cat has ever expressed interest nor ability to reach location of said beverage), cat spills an ENTIRE FUCKING GLASS of (slightly watered-down) tea all over all my notebooks and my screensaver'd open laptop. The laptop I haven't backed up anything of particular use nor interest from yet (not that I have much, considering it hasn't even been two months since the last one died).

So I'll let laptop dry out a few days and see if it starts then.

Anyway, so it turns out the Universe would like me to die of thirst in a Luddite colony. Who knew.

Sorry Jackie, turns out I am a waste of treasure map pieces and laptops.

the universe really wants me on hiatus, why i can't have nice things, wangst wangst nobody cares, i fail at everything ever, dumbass needs a sippy cup, liquids hate me, ha ha oh wow, technology hates me, cats hate me, why won't this emo bitch stfu

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