So I started messin around with not too long ago, and i get a message from a girl a few days later sayin she's from arizona and she's gonna be in KC for a few days and wanted to hang out... since i'm such a cutie-patootie and what-not ;)
*cue photo*
Now i'm usually nervous about meeting hot strangers, but i decided to face a new side of the norm this time. So I met up with Kristen at starbucks friday morning since I had to work 1230-9. and to start the morning off i wake up in my usual hellacious pain in my legs and lower back(which i'm takin medication for now, doctor said it was just inflammation and bad diet). so i spend an hour rolling around on the floor moaning waiting for a viadin my dad gave me to kick in. anyways, we meet at starbucks and had a nice little time chatting and sitting in my car talking about gays more than we should be. She was great, too bad she couldn't stay longer.
Man I do look like a drunk in that pic.
work was easy, came home and saw Troy with matt.. Damn good movie. And I get a new roommate tomorrow!!!! SWEET SHIT!