Mar 11, 2011 14:23

I only had a total of 18 entries last year in 2010.  A number of these entries were kept private for my own eyes only.  I'm afraid 2011 is probably going to be much less.

I am sad to say that I have grown from updating LJ to focusing on my daily life more.  College, work, and being involved on campus has made me a very busy bee!  Also, I have a lengthy relationship with my boyfriend since we've met freshman year, and I know being with him has affected my fanfic muse.  I'll tell you that I have everything that I wrote and was in-the-progress-of-working on still saved in My Documents in its own special folder.  I wish I had more time in the day to go back to those creative writings and write more for the community.

I do not regret my decisions in life.  I realize that stopping my fanfiction-writing wasn't necessarily a bad thing for me.  I just hope that all of you readers also find ways to explore your life and live it!  I'm working hard to make things work for myself and I sincerely wish that my fellow LJers would find the same one day.

If you're interested in food and cooking, I have started a food blog: http://edible-culture.blogspot.com.  I'm reaching out and tapping into a different passion in my life and if you'd like to share it with me, I'd be delighted.

If you're looking to maintain a friendship with me, please feel free to add me on Facebook (this is my fanpage for Apple Kissa Maid and Butler Cafe, Narika).  Please only add my personal FB if you have truly been LJ friends with me and please mention that you're from LJ!  I get some rather fishy-looking requests quite often. @_@

My fanfiction will always be here for you to read.  If you're interested in a next installment of some series, I'm afraid I won't get to it anytime soon.  But please, continue to enjoy reading my fics and I hope we'll be able to keep in touch! :)

real life: college, work work work, love, inspire, passion, real life

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