[fanfiction] Fic Dump

Feb 04, 2008 19:27

These were originally posted at Littlix, so in a sense, I'm importing them here. ^^

Title: Insanity
Rating: PG-13 for some minor suggestiveness
Pairing: Takaki x Chinen
Summary: Pants! Now I've got all of yer minds in the gutter eh?
Word Count: 308
Type: One-shot

Moved HERE.

Title: Insane
Rating: PG-13 to be safe? ^^;;
Pairing: Takaki x Chinen
Summary: Another segment about pants! XDD
Word Count: 482
Type: One-shot

Moved HERE.

Title: Doctor
Rating: G
Pairing: Daiki x Takaki
Word Count: 279
Type: One-shot

Moved HERE.

Title: Playtime
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Summary: Takaki needs to get some rest and relaxation.
Word Count: 831
Type: One-shot

Moved HERE.

je: chinen, pairings: takaki x chinen, fanfiction, je: daiki, je: takaki, je: hey! say! jump, pairings: takaki x daiki

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