Apr 13, 2008 22:55
I've got 2000+ words and counting for Carrying Out Tegoshi's Brilliant Idea and it's driving me nuts. I hope I can finish it with a bang! xD
Meanwhile, I need to stop claiming in blogcrews. It's too damn addictive and I've already made dozens and dozens of claims. MUST. STOP. CLAIMING. @___@;;
Last day of spring break. :(
Summary of what I did:
- visited UDel
- bummed out at home
- watched some of Nobuta wo Produce
- got my license
- went to the mall
- saw a hot guy
- visited Rutgers
- watched 21
- visited UAlbany
- did NOT finish reading my book
- did NOT work on my research paper
Yay. :'D
je: tegoshi,
real life