I got blood on my Riza Hawkeye boots today.
I feel so damned hardcore.
The morning started with me unpacking samples, as usual, but one of the bags was packed wrong and I ended up dropping a tube on the floor. Ohnoes! Cute Kouhai grabbed me some supplies to rescue the remains of the sample while I crouch on the ground trying to decide if I'd gotten messy to the point of requiring OSHA-related cleaning. Fortunately nothing got on my clothing (it's casual Friday, so I'm not wearing my usual navy blue scrubs), but my boots had an impressive spatter pattern. I spent the next ten minutes cleaning the floor and sanitizing my shoes. XP I'm really glad I opted for the leather boots today instead of my cute pink sneakers, because those wouldn't have cleaned, shiku shiku.
There's the real story, but feel free to tell your friends that I shot somebody in an alley and walked through the pool of blood.
Other adventures this week include making matcha with sour milk (the carton was brand new! It was unspeakably disgusting) and crazy microbursts all over Lowry. My car is filthy, but at least the windows didn't shatter... what a week, thank god it's finally over!
I will definitely be at Boba this afternoon, but I have to do work, bleh. XD One of the two "Big Work Projects that Must Be Done Before Expo" is complete, and I'll hopefully knock out the other one while enjoying some milk tea. Then, back to sewing, lol. Let's continue on to victory! XD