Its been a while sorry! Update post (Future of my blog)

Jan 31, 2023 21:19

Hi wow it's been a while!!

So sorry for the radio silence but my life has changed pretty dramatically since I last posted in August and let me just say I couldn't be a happier person! If your curious about whats been going on with me and my life I wrote a little summary which you can read by clicking
I've been busy studying hard (and let me tell you, Japanese is hard!) and this December I was able to pass the JLPT N3 exam!! According to my teachers I am well on track to being fluent and passing the N2 and even N1 level JLPT exam in the future. I am super happy that I was able to come this far in only 2 years of studying. All that hard work of constant daily studying has paid off! Unfortunately now I am mentally tired and rarely go out of my way to consume any Japanese media which is really sad since it was once something I really enjoyed. I don't regret my decision to push myself this hard but if I were to give any of you just starting to study Japanese or any language it's don't go full throttle. Language learning isn't a sprint it's a marathon and you should definitely take time to enjoy it... In october I came to the decision to not continue my studies here in Japan and do something else when it comes to college. The deciding factor in that was partially my growing burnout but the other big portion was my new boyfriend who has also been feeling the same. We met at school and he is the sweetest most adoring boyfriend I could ask for. I am really lucky and seriously see our future being a good one. So in about 2 months I will be moving with my boyfriend back to his home town and attending a college nearby. I'm really looking forward to the future we have together!
Due to all the changes in my life and in me as a person I have come to the difficult decision to retire on this blog for now and the forseable future so I can insead focus on what's ahead of me. I want to sincerely apologize to the people this decision affects and thank you to all of you who have welcomed me and made me feel included in the community!! I dont have the time nor resources that I once did and am not able to film edit and upload shows like before. I will of course check in every once in a while so anyone who wants to reach out to me can still do so on twitter or live journal. I just won't be uploading any new content from now on. (I will try to keep links active and reply to any messages but because my time is limited there will be some delay apologies) For those of you who relied on me for your johnny's content I sincerely do apologize but if you wanted to know what I used to use to access Japanese content while I was living in America click
I used to use YoiTv which is a constant stream of multiple japanese tv channels you can access for free on there website. There are many similar services out there you just have to make sure to research thoroughly and remember and DON'T GIVE YOUR MONEY TO ANYTHING SKETCHY OR UNTRUSTWORTHY. Another option is to go through Japanese streaming services like TVer ect but to access that outside of Japan you need a VPN. I use Nord but there are plenty of options out there for those interested! (Just again make sure you do your reasearch!!!)

I hope that helps if you have been looking for a way to watch Johnny's content! Even though I am no longer active in the community I still have a special place in my heart for JUMP, Inoo, and all the other Johnny's groups I was into in the past. I of course will keep this blog and my twitter up even though I may not actively post this is not something I would ever delete or throw away. So feel free to reach out for any reason if you need. I may not get back to you right away but I will eventually!

So although this is sort of goodbye for now I hope we can still stay friends and you can understand where I am coming from. I was really lonely, nervous,  and bored when I started this blog and you gave me a place to be accepted and something to put my energy into in my spare time. I will be forever grateful for that and to all of those who have reached out to me and had a conversation with me even though I am an awkward weird person sometimes lol! Special thanks to all the people on twitter who I DMed with or conversed with over there it always made me happy to get a dm and have a conversation with you! Also to the people who used my raws for subs or fan edits knowing I was useful and provided something helpful made my day!!!

Wow even my outro was long sorry I'm so rusty at this but I don't want to overly edit it so excuse the rambling..

Anyways, I genuinely thank you and I hope to talk to you in the comments or in my dms or somewhere in the future!! 💙💙💙💙💙
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