[DOWNLOAD] Sekai Kurabete mitara - 22.03.02

Mar 04, 2022 17:49

[RAW] Sekakura - 2022/03/00
3 hour special w Kyomoto Taiga

Here is Taiga's recent appearance on Sekai Kurabete!! I think the show is really interesting especially when they talked about where I'm from ww! All the countries and their differences are interesting though! I left it whole so it's quite long but it's worth the watch imo ^^

  • File Name: [kinokokeikun] 22.03.02 Sekakura wTaiga.mp4
  • File Size: 1.24 gb
  • Length: 02:23:39


if you'd like my higher quality non-watermarked version to sub you can DM me on LJ or Twitter


Just Please credit me for giving you the raw, don't directly link to the download, and don't reupload it and claim as your own.
I put time and effort into uploading these and don't want them to be taken down or be forced to lock them

thank you for you're understanding and cooperation! 🙇

Heres a gif for you ♡


You can follow me on twitter for more up to date info on my uploads

raw, johnnys, stones, appearances, download

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