Title: "An Eye For Beauty"
lindtti Beta: my lovely girl
edom56. Your help is priceless! THANK YOU! *smooooches* All remaining mistakes are mine.
Fandom: Queer As Folk
Pairing: Brian/Justin
Timeline: I would say season 4
Words count: 100 words, drabble
Rating: G
Warnings: nothing
Disclaimer: Brian and Justin belong to each other. Showtime and Cowlip own them too. *sighs* No money from writing, because their love is priceless.
A/N: Written for the November 2011 Challenge at
drabblechallengA/N 2: One post a month... I suck. I'm sorry! *bows her head in shame* But I hope you will enjoy this little drabble. Please let me know... I really could use some positive vibes atm. LOVE YOU ALL *& talk to you soon! *smooches* ♥ ♥ ♥
Prompt: picture