Title: Convention Connection
Author: Yvonne Reid
Beta: This chapter is unbeta'ed. All mistakes are mine
Pairing: Gale Harold, Justin Taylor (Mentions the cast of Queer as Folk)
Summary: Justin worked really hard to earn the money that paid for his
visit to Cologne, Germany, to attend a convention being held there,
featuring the stars of his fave TV series “Queer As Folk”.
His best friend Daphne accompanies him.
The next few days where going to be long and very, very memorable, at
least for one Justin Taylor.
Rated: N-C 17
Feedback: Your feedback will make me happy
A/N: A very special thank you to Ali
britinkinlor for the banner to this story, and also for naming it. Loves her
A/N: If you can look past the fact that Justin is actually a character on Queer as Folk then you should enjoy this…I hope.
In this story, Justin is just a fan like the rest of us are of this show. (And Gale)
Give it a go… This fic is dedicated to Anna
aaa_mazing and
guavejuice (Both are great friends to me)
This is the final chapter.Thank you for reading and commenting
Chapter one
http://yvonne-reid.livejournal.com/9519.html#cutid1 Chapter two
http://yvonne-reid.livejournal.com/9894.html#cutid1 Chapter three
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